Is this love enough?

For most of my life I have been in firm believer of romance. I don’t think any person ever stops searching for it. Some found early some late. They say things happen when you are not searching for it. that’s true for love, thing u r seeking is seeking you but when and how you will meet is on the destiny.

I don’t know how early beings learnt about loving. I wonder if they understood this process. Science has definite definition for Love. They call it secretion of chemical in your brain when you are attracted to some one. But wonder science knows how brain knows when to secreate? How does brain understand this is the person? Mystery.

People have different ways of showing love. Distinct and unique. No two love are same. Just like humans their love changes. It’s hard to quantify it on certain parameters. May be that’s why science has still to uncover this. Varied nature of love is often left to people. The emotions of human are best described by poets , writers, movie makers.

More than experiencing love is felt while watching or reading. Looking at the protagonist dancing, crying, kissing, fighting, waiting, sleeping and loving. These things often define how we perceive love, seek love and give love.

Truth to be told I m sucker for romance. May be that’s why I end up watching love stories. Though I have peculiar choices. I might be going hopeless like Noting Hill dreaming of some out of league or crying  bucket full with Blue Valentines. But emotions are not always extreme. Moving aren’t always to show happily ever after. Sometimes I just see and take them with myself.

While was 17-18 I thought love to be like Perks of Being Wallflower or Fault in Our Stars. Having too much of silent school made me resonate with them. Thought of writing book, saying whole dialogue of Perks of being wallflower, driving through tunnel, looking into the eyes of girl while David Bowie singing “I will be hero” still remains a dream for me. Though I never dreamt of taking someone to Netherland on dying wish but I did wish to fall in love with someone slowly and all at once.

And teenage was gone. I turned 19. I was traveller dreaming of Into the Wild. Aloof, alone, and hungry. But I didn’t meet the same ending. I knew happiness is best when shared. I wasn’t looking for love when you happened to meet. I wasn’t sure how to love. I was afraid and naive. I didn’t know how to approach. You seemed so comfortable. You seemed so much at ease that it freaked me out. I was taking each step carefully. I didn’t want to go reckless while approaching you. I didn’t know other steps too.

This was where movies, cinema shows came in. Ducking under I made love withe the movies displaying greatest emotion of mankind.

Just fixing things I have learnt from them

Bridges of Madison County

This movie wasn’t for guy. Truth to be spoken I didn’t appreciate the concept either. But I admire the movie for the chemistry it builds up. It’s hard to keep things simple and pure. I had been traveling before I halt at your city. The deep impression Guy leaves on Francesca inspired me to do same with you. I watched this when we were still new. Coming down to your city I realise why I’m here on this planet, at this time. Not to travel or make pictures, but to love you. I know that now. I have been falling from the rim of a great, high place, somewhere back in time, for many more years than I have lived in this life. And through all of those years, I have been falling toward you. Words might be too heavy, afterall it’s Clint Eastwood, saying to Meryl Streep. But somehow I felt the same. Universe takes us and decide our path. It’s clear to me now that I have been moving toward you and you toward me for a long time. Though neither of us was aware of the other before we met, there was a kind of mindless certainty bumming blithely along beneath our ignorance that ensured we would come together. And we did meet.

Little things season 1-2

Somehow I saw this right time. This showed me how love works. How we live and co exist. How love is in simple things like having ice cream, walking, or just sending random pictures to each other which reminded them of each other. It was neither oversimplified or too unrealistic. It was something which raised my hopes. Although what I have experienced isn’t all rose gold. It had it share of pit falls. But it’s not for us to what will be. At the end of the day we will see. Bcoz nothing else matters than little things.

Anime :- Only Yesterday, Whisper of the heart.

A heart’s a heavy burden. when it’s incomplete it stops working. You will have anxiety and restlessness. What’s bizzare is heart behaves same when you are with your love. Both these movies were about seeking yourself and love will find its way to you. I still sob at the ending track when they leave their train and jump into next train to go back to their love. such Decision are always hard. That’s where you put brain. Remember secretion?

Sheldon and Amy

Whole point I love them bcoz I wish I have similar love. There is no denial both were perfect for eachother. They made eachother complete. They took years to move in, having sex once in year and eventually winning Nobel prize together. If that isn’t couple goal I don’t know what is.

Love actually

Imagine me being as prime minister of country. I m madly in love with a women. No body can stop me other than her. I take a placard write this on it
“To Me, You Are Perfect.” And stand infront of ur door. It’s Christmas Eve and snowing outside. I know this sound like unrealistic but who knows I would do it some day. Will u say yes?

Lot like love

Though movie wasn’t such of high hopes. But standing infront of ur house and singing is some goals. I know people will despise my voice but
Honestly, if you’re not willing to sound stupid, you don’t deserve to be in love.

Marshall and Lily

While whole How I met your mother was about Ted and Robin. I didn’t like them. I hardly associated with them. I had my eyes on Marshall and Lily. they didn’t make relationship look easy. Being in a relationship is hard. And committing, making sacrifices it’s hard. But if it’s the right person, it’s easy. Though real love starts afterwards. It’s not daunting but neither rewarding. It requires constant work. Looking at that girl, and knowing she’s all you really want out of life, that should be the easiest thing in the world.

About time

I had turn 21, watching movies with you being miles away. Sharing joys, emotions over the internet. Protagonist had time traveling power. Wish I had, might turn clock an year back. But alas, We’re all travelling through time together every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride. Will you be my partner?

Away we go

There is something in this movie that captives me. Is it the unassured couple trying to have baby? Or is it they trying to understand parenthood or is it the ending when they sit at that house starring at lake. Knowing that happiness lies in being together. Knowing that whatever future holds needs to be faced. And together is always better. Falling conversation between them put a smile on my face.
Burt: Do you promise to let our daughter be fat or skinny or any weight at all? Because we want her to be happy, no matter what. Being obsessed with weight is just too cliché for our daughter. Verona: Yes, I do. Do you promise, when she talks, you’ll listen? Like, really listen, especially when she’s scared? And that her fights will be your fights? Burt: I do. And do you promise that if I die some embarrassing and boring death that you’re gonna tell our daughter that her father was killed by Russian soldiers in this intense hand-to-hand combat in an attempt to save the lives of 850 Chechnyan orphans? Wasn’t that bad. Will u tell such thing? I am bit afraid of dying unknown.

Before sunset

This was your favourite movie. You loved the parts of Julie. You listened to the song waiting for me. Guess u yourself in her. I relate with Hawke more. So often in my life I’ve been with people and shared beautiful moments like travelling or staying up all night and watching the sunrise, and I knew it was a special moment, but something was always wrong. I wished I’d been with someone else. Now when I m with you, I don’t see sun set or travel, but somehow there is nothing wrong.

Little things season 3

This is one my favourite season. Unlike previous two this one isnt about cuddling fighting and loving. Things change over time. Daily sun sets become mundane. Too much sugar is harmful. People don’t only have love in there life. There are other people and things. There are family, aspirations, or just that fat loan. Someday we will face this question. In series stuck between career, family. love takes the back seat. Overtime I have realized falling in love isn’t ending of love falling out of love is neither the end too. Somewhere we will have to find solutions to these issues too. We will fight before falling. Okay?

Before midnight

And even if we fall. We move out. Leaving us deserted. I will come back finding you. Bcoz
I’m giving you my whole life, okay? I got nothing larger to give. I’m not giving it to anybody else. If you’re looking for permission to disqualify me, I’m not gonna give it to you. Okay? I love you. And I’m not in conflict about it, okay?

I don’t know if this much love us enough. I don’t know if my love will ever be enough. It’s a fatal flaw or oblivion. It’s mend to be destiny or just a platform. But what I have known uptill now is, this is worth everything. 🙂 Right!?

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